Additional Manufacturing Tax Breaks Offer Scant Bang for the Buck
Position Statement in opposition to House Bill 531 Given before the House Ways and Means Committee Allowing a certain category of businesses to pay no property or income taxes creates an uneven playing...
View ArticleAccelerating Millionaire Estate Tax Exemption Could Harm State Services
Position Statement Opposing Senate Bill 847 Given before the Senate Budget and Tax Committee The estate tax helps make sure the very wealthiest Marylanders pay their fair share and it applies to less...
View ArticleBusiness Tax Credits Require Evaluation
Informational Testimony on House Bill 1255/Senate Bill 843 Given before the House Ways and Means and Senate Budget and Tax Committees It has become increasingly common in Maryland and around the...
View ArticleNot All Tax Cuts Are Created Equal
Photo by K Whiteford As leaders in Annapolis grapple with how best to support Maryland’s continued economic progress, both the governor and legislative leaders have said they want to lower taxes. The...
View ArticleA Giveaway to the Wealthiest is not “Tax Relief for Everyone”
Some Maryland senators are advocating for tax giveaways to the wealthy and calling it “tax relief for everyone.” As appealing as that might be to some, it simply isn’t true. The package of tax changes...
View ArticleUndocumented Immigrants Pay Hundreds of Millions in State Taxes; Full...
By Mark Scott Undocumented immigrants are an important part Maryland’s economy. They make a significant contribution to the state’s public finances by paying hundreds of millions of dollars each year...
View ArticleApproved State Budget Leaves Unmet Needs
Maryland’s new state spending plan does not do all it could to meet the needs of families still struggling to get by in an uncertain economic recovery. The state budget the General Assembly adopted...
View ArticleIn Md., big tax cuts for those who need them least – Baltimore Sun
A package of income tax cuts passed by the state Senate got a boost this week when Gov. Larry Hogan urged their passage as the legislature wraps up its business in the coming days. Though they differ...
View ArticleTo Support a Strong Economy, All Marylanders Must Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes
Maryland’s success today is due to our past public investment in good schools, a strong transportation system and other building blocks of a prosperous economy. As another “tax day” rolls around, it’s...
View ArticleMaryland Threatens Broad Prosperity by Weakening Estate Tax
Maryland has more millionaires per capita than any other state, and asks less of them when it comes time to support the public good through schools, hospitals and transportation. Maryland was one of...
View ArticleMaryland Must Preserve Critical Investments When Addressing Budget Shortfall
Without major changes in the economy or state fiscal practices, Maryland policymakers will continue to face small budget shortfalls each year, the Department of Legislative Services told the General...
View ArticleWhat We’re Watching in the 2017 Legislative Session
Lawmakers began considering hundreds of bills as the Maryland General Assembly began its 90-day legislative session this week. At least a handful of these bills have the potential to affect prosperity...
View ArticleHow Immigration Policy Shapes Maryland’s Communities, Economy
The Maryland we know today exists because of people who came here, and continue to come here, from around the world to build their lives and raise their families. In the late 19th and early 20th...
View ArticleEarned Income Tax Credit Leaves Single Taxpayers Behind
Over the next couple of months, as Marylanders file their income taxes and many anxiously wait for state refunds, legislators will be considering whether to expand the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit...
View ArticleRenter’s Tax Credit Fix Would Help More Marylanders Afford Housing
Position Statement in Support of House Bill 338 Given before the House Ways and Means Committee In 2015, more than half of renters in Maryland spent more than a third of their income on housing costs,...
View ArticleHomeowners’ Property Tax Credit Needs Cost of Living Adjustment
Position Statement Supporting Senate Bill 407 Given before the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee Maryland’s Homeowners’ Property Tax credit provides much-needed relief for low-income homeowners....
View ArticleHomeowners’ Property Tax Credit Needs Cost of Living Adjustment
Position Statement Supporting House Bill 688 Given before the House Ways and Means Committee Maryland’s Homeowners’ Property Tax credit provides much needed relief for low-income homeowners. Under...
View ArticleIt’s Time for Wealthy Investment Managers to Pay their Fair Share
Position Statement Supporting Senate Bill 605 Given before the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee Like thousands of other Maryland workers, from authors to restaurant servers, private equity and...
View ArticleTaxing Inherited Wealth is a Reasonable Way to Support Public Services
Position Statement Opposing House Bill 1331 Given before the House Ways and Means Committee Taxing income – whether it comes from working, an inheritance, or winning the lottery – has long been a key...
View ArticleJob Creation Tax Credit Needs Updates
Position Statement Supporting House Bill 1052 Given before the House Ways and Means Committee Since the mid 1990s, the number of Maryland state business tax credits has increased significantly. Given...
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